Instructions given to counter the pandemic

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chairs a videoconference on preparation for the academic year in schools.

Before moving on to the main issue on the agenda, the Head of the state touched upon the situation with the coronavirus. It was noted that this week, an average of 370 new cases of infection per day were detected. This figure will be considered a benchmark in the current mitigation of the lockdown measures.

The President warned all leaders about the inadmissibility of hiding the real numbers. Such attempts will entail harsh penalties, including criminal ones.

Hokims, heads of sectors and responsible agencies were instructed to ensure strict discipline to comply with sanitary requirements in each mahalla, public places, in transport and enterprises. It is necessary to prevent cases when the same wedding or another ceremony is held for several days or 3-4 times a day.

It was noted that every effort is being made to treat patients with the most advanced and proven methods. Currently, 75 highly qualified doctors from Russia, Germany, Turkey and China are working in Uzbekistan.

“Prevention of infection depends, first of all, on our attention to ourselves, our health, the atmosphere in our family. If we all, the whole society, observe the rules of hygiene, medical protection and social distance, the disease will not spread”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The issue of supporting socially vulnerable families was also discussed at the meeting.

To this end, on August 26, the Head of the state signed a resolution on additional measures for social support of the population.

According to the document, in order to provide winter clothing sets, school uniforms and educational supplies to children under 16 from families included in the “iron notebook”, receiving benefits in case of loss of breadwinner, as well as children with disabilities will be provided 500 thousand UZS. In total, this help will cover more than 810 thousand children. More than 400 billion UZS have been allocated for this purpose.

There are exact calculations on the number of children from socially vulnerable families under 16. Payments will be made through the Pension Fund.

The Ministry for Supporting the Mahalla and Family, hokims and sector leaders have been instructed to provide financial assistance to needy families in a fair, open and correct manner so that no one is left without attention. Instruction was given to hold meetings with the population and explain the importance of spending allocated funds exclusively for the harmonious development and improving children’s health.
