Musa Dzhamanbaev: The Forum will add new dynamics to enhancing traditionally friendly ties between Central Asia and China

Speaking at the Forum of “Central Asia – China” think tanks on “Mutually beneficial cooperation on the path to shared prosperity and sustainable development”, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic Musa Dzhamanbaev emphasized that the ongoing event is an efficient discussion platform that will further contribute to the more significant strengthening of close ties between think tanks.

“The agenda of today’s Forum and the topics of the sessions fully reflect our common goals and desire for multifaceted cooperation for the benefit of joint sustainable development. The forum will add new dynamics to enhancing traditionally friendly ties between our countries and China”, the diplomat emphasized.

At the same time, Ambassador Musa Dzhamanbaev said Kyrgyzstan is ready for active interaction in all areas of cooperation within the framework of the “Central Asia – China” format.

The event, organized by the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was attended by over 40 leaders and experts from about 20 leading research and analytical centers, heads of diplomatic missions of China and Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan.
