ISRS hosted a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Uzbekistan

On 12 March 2025, ISRS Director Eldor Aripov met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Uzbekistan József Rózsa and his Deputy Adrian Mihaly Harmath

During the talks, the sides discussed a wide range of topical issues of bilateral relations. József Rózsa emphasised that Hungary considers Uzbekistan as one of the key partners in Central Asia. He noted that interaction between the countries has reached the level of strategic partnership in recent years, which is confirmed by the active development of ties in all spheres.

Expansion of cultural and humanitarian ties was also an important topic of the talks. Special emphasis was placed on strengthening co-operation in education and training in such areas as energy, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, finance, medicine and others.

The Hungarian diplomat noted that a significant step in this regard was the opening of the scholarship program Hungaricum Stipendium for Uzbek students. Starting from 2020, the number of grants under this program was increased from 30 to 170.

Following the meeting, the parties confirmed their intention to continue active cooperation between the analytical centers of the two countries, including conducting joint research, exchanging experiences and organizing educational trainings.