Comments of the ISRS experts

Akramjon Nematov: The development of industrial cooperation is an essential direction of deepening Uzbekistan – Türkiye cooperation
Akramjon Nematov: The development of industrial cooperation is an essential direction of deepening Uzbekistan – Türkiye cooperation
Speaking with a welcoming speech at an event dedicated to strengthening relations between Uzbekistan and Türkiye, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Akramjon Nematov emphasized the importance of this meeting.
Akramjon Nematov: Trust, dialogue, and cooperation are the basis for comprehensive interaction of CICA member states
Akramjon Nematov: Trust, dialogue, and cooperation are the basis for comprehensive interaction of CICA member states
On August 28-29, Akramjon Nematov, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan, took part online in the 11th Think Tank Forum of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.
ISRS Director took part in the Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum
ISRS Director took part in the Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum
On July 13-14, Astana hosted the Central Asian Security and Cooperation Forum on “Asia in the Changing World: Agenda for the Future”, organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KazISS) under the President of Kazakhstan.
A.Nematov: The trend towards regional cooperation has become sustainable
A.Nematov: The trend towards regional cooperation has become sustainable
Speaking at the roundtable on "Central Asia in a Changing World: Toward the Fifth Anniversary Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State," Akramjon Nematov, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, noted that the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia launched in 2018 at the initiative of Uzbek leader Shavkat Mirziyoyev became an important platform for strengthening cooperation among the countries of the region.
Uzbekistan and Iran – a new impetus for enhancing trade-economic collaboration
Uzbekistan and Iran – a new impetus for enhancing trade-economic collaboration
The visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Iran, according to Dmitry Trostyansky, Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies, will give a new impetus to comprehensive mutually beneficial cooperation between Uzbekistan and Iran.
ISRS: Central Asia should remain the core of the SCO
ISRS: Central Asia should remain the core of the SCO
On June 14 this year, Tashkent hosted a roundtable on "The Samarkand Process: Prospects for SCO Modernization.
Akramjon Nematov: "The SCO should work in the interests of each member of the family of this Organization.
Akramjon Nematov: "The SCO should work in the interests of each member of the family of this Organization.
A roundtable on "Samarkand Process: SCO Modernization Prospects" was held in Tashkent today. Speaking at the event, First Deputy Director of the ISRS under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akramjon Nematov outlined priority directions in the context of reforming the SCO activities.
Akramjon Nematov, First Deputy Director of ISRS: Sustainable Development in Central Asia has a positive effect on the entire SCO space
Akramjon Nematov, First Deputy Director of ISRS: Sustainable Development in Central Asia has a positive effect on the entire SCO space
Uzbekistan and Central Asian states are among the main beneficiaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, First Deputy Director of the ISRS under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akramjon Nematov said at the opening of the roundtable titled "Samarkand Process: SCO Modernization Prospects" in Tashkent.
Uzbekistan and Italy are strategic partners
Uzbekistan and Italy are strategic partners
It is no exaggeration to note that Italy, as one of the main engines of European integration, demonstrates leadership in bringing Uzbekistan's partnership with the EU to a qualitatively new level.
Qatar – Uzbekistan’s promising partner in the Arab-Muslim world
Qatar – Uzbekistan’s promising partner in the Arab-Muslim world
The visit of the Amir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to Uzbekistan attracted significant attention both in Uzbekistan and abroad, taking into account the results, agreements reached and agreements signed following its results in political, trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, investment and other fields.
ISRS Director: Contacts between Uzbek and Italian peoples have a centuries-old tradition of diplomatic, trade, economic and cultural ties
ISRS Director: Contacts between Uzbek and Italian peoples have a centuries-old tradition of diplomatic, trade, economic and cultural ties
On May 31 this year, a delegation of Uzbekistan's leading research and analytical centres met with the Italian Mediterranean Institute for Asia and Africa (ISMAA) in Rome.
Enhanced tourism cooperation is a new driver for the development of Uzbekistan-Singapore relations
Enhanced tourism cooperation is a new driver for the development of Uzbekistan-Singapore relations
On 23-25 May, President of the Republic of Singapore Halima Yacoub paid a return state visit to Uzbekistan. 
Uzbekistan and Singapore will jointly develop the business sector and the green economy
Uzbekistan and Singapore will jointly develop the business sector and the green economy
At the invitation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on May 23-25, President of the Republic of Singapore Halimah Yacob paid a state visit to Uzbekistan.
ISRS Director takes part in the 18th meeting of the SCO Expert Forum
ISRS Director takes part in the 18th meeting of the SCO Expert Forum
On May 22-23, Dushanbe hosted the 18th meeting of the SCO Expert Forum.
Uzbekistan as a reliable platform for German business in the new realities of the world economy
Uzbekistan as a reliable platform for German business in the new realities of the world economy
The visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Germany, according to Doctor of Economics Dmitriy Trostyanskiy, opens a new stage in the further development and expansion of mutually beneficial investment cooperation between the two countries.
Uzbekistan is ready to become an effective and reliable platform for German business
Uzbekistan is ready to become an effective and reliable platform for German business
Germany, being one of the key, time-tested, reliable friends of Uzbekistan, is the most active trade and investment partner of our country among the EU countries.
Akramjon Nematov: Uzbekistan is interested in building up mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU
Akramjon Nematov: Uzbekistan is interested in building up mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU
The working visit of a group of experts from Uzbekistan, consisting of representatives of the ISRS, IFMR and the Development Strategy Center, to Germany continues.
ISRS Director takes part in the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul
ISRS Director takes part in the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit in Istanbul
Istanbul hosts the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit under the slogan “End mistrust, establish cooperation”, organized by the Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation of Türkiye.
Bobur Usmanov: Uzbekistan and Egypt have huge untapped potential and new opportunities for developing mutually beneficial cooperation
Bobur Usmanov: Uzbekistan and Egypt have huge untapped potential and new opportunities for developing mutually beneficial cooperation
Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies (ISRS) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bobur Usmanov noted several important aspects that determine the positive dynamics in cooperation at the roundtable discussion on “Uzbekistan and Egypt: Cooperation Prospects”, in Cairo, Egypt.
Uzbekistan and Egypt – reliable partners in all areas of interaction
Uzbekistan and Egypt – reliable partners in all areas of interaction
On February 18 this year, a roundtable discussion on “Uzbekistan and Egypt: Cooperation Prospects” kicked off in Egypt’s Cairo.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On February 29, a training seminar was held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) on the preparation of analytical documents in the field of economics with the participation of researchers from the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CERR) and the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (IMRS).


Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China in a New Era

Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China in a New Era

On January 23-25 of this year, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will pay a state visit to the People's Republic of China, which, will undoubtedly be of high significance and will give a new impetus to the expansion and deepening of Uzbek-Chinese cooperation.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On March 14 this year at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Higher School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training seminar was held on the application of modern methods for studying global and regional processes.
