ISRS hosted a meeting with Korean experts

On May 16 this year, a meeting was held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) with the Korean delegation of the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Expert Forum. A detailed exchange of views took place on the current situation in Central Asia, prospects for the further development of economic cooperation and the expansion of cultural and humanitarian dialogue between the Republic of Korea and the Central Asian countries.

During the negotiations, the Korean side was informed in detail about the socio-political and socio-economic reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan, the proactive open foreign policy being implemented, including the regional agenda in Central Asia.

Currently, there is a growing dynamic of interaction between Central Asia and the Republic of Korea.

This is evidenced by a significant increase in trade and investment indicators. Thus, since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the level of bilateral trade between CA countries and South Korea has increased 600 times: from $15 million in 1992 to more than $10 billion in 2023, and the total accumulated Korean investment in the region has exceeded $15 billion.

The Korean side focused on the fact that at the present stage, Seoul has developed close partnerships with all the states of Central Asia, and with Uzbekistan, relations of a Special Strategic Partnership that demonstrate a rich and productive character.

They expressed confidence that the large-scale reforms underway in Uzbekistan aimed at sustainable development and socio-economic stability will contribute not only to internal but also to regional development.

In this context, the guests noted Seoul’s increased interest in strengthening cooperation with Central Asian countries in the field of responding to climate change, ensuring energy and food security, transferring experience in high-tech development, as well as implementing joint projects for the widespread introduction of renewable energy sources.

In general, the event became a logical continuation of the expert forum “Strategic dialogue between Central Asia and the Republic of Korea: prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation” that took place in December 2023 in Tashkent.

From the Korean side, the meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Expert Forum, Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Jeh Sung Hoon, Head of the Department of Central Asian Studies at this University, Lee Ji-eon, as well as experts from the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Park Joung-ho and the Korean Institute for National Unification Hyun Seung-soo and others.