The Central Asia – China Forum kicks off in Tashkent

The Fourth Forum of Analytical Centers “Central Asia – China” on “Mutually beneficial cooperation on the way to universal prosperity and sustainable development” has kicked off in Tashkent.

More than 40 heads and experts from about 20 leading research and analytical centers and heads of diplomatic missions in Uzbekistan are participating in the event. The forum was organized by the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Institute of East European, Russian, and Central Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as part of the practical implementation of the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, announced in May 2023 at the China – Central Asia Summit in Xi'an, which was attended by the heads of state.

In particular, the decision to hold the Fourth Forum of Analytical Centers “Central Asia – China” was made at a Meeting of Foreign Ministers in May 2021. The first forum was held in November 2021 in Beijing in an online format, and the second in November 2022 in Beijing of the People’s Republic of China in a hybrid format. In the third forum, organized in September 2023, all participants gathered directly in Xi'an. The fourth forum in Uzbekistan is being held outside China for the first time.
