On December 5 this year, Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) hosted a ceremonial event dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The event was opened by ISRS director Eldor Aripov, who noted the key role of the Constitution as the foundation of our country's independence, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as maintaining peace and harmony in society.
The ISRS director stressed that over the past eight years, under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has implemented large-scale reforms aimed at protecting the honour and dignity of every person, improving the welfare of the population, creating conditions for sustainable and progressive development of the nation.
The updated Constitution approved by a national referendum on 30 April 2023 has consolidated the country's dynamic course towards further democratisation, safeguarding the social rights of citizens and upholding the principles of justice, equality and the rule of law.
As part of the event, Doctor of Law, Professor and Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gulchekhra Malikova gave a presentation on key amendments to the Basic Law. She noted that the number of articles in the Constitution increased from 128 to 155, and norms - from 275 to 434. Thus, 65% of the text of the Constitution was updated based on proposals received from the public.
The expert dwelt in detail on the significance of some amendments that strengthen social protection of citizens, are aimed at combating poverty, reducing unemployment, increasing incomes of the population and improving living conditions.
Akramjon Nematov, First Deputy Director of ISRS, noted that the updated Constitution contributes to the modernisation of the system of state administration, increasing its transparency and the development of civil society. The new approach, which replaces the model of "state - society - individual" with the principle of "person - society - state", is aimed at further exalting the honour and dignity of the individual, as well as building a modern democratic state.
The ISRS researchers who took the floor stressed that the Basic Law opens wide opportunities for the young generation to realise its hopes and lays a solid foundation for its future. The Constitution, having supreme legal force and direct action, forms a unified legal space throughout the country.
At the end of the event, Eldor Aripov presented certificates of honour to a number of ISRS staff for their high professional achievements and contribution to the information and analytical support of state policy.
The annual 2024 Understanding China Conference, themed “Carry through the Reform to the End – Chinese Modernization and New Opportunities for World Development”, was held in Guangzhou from 2 to 4 December.