The first interregional forum between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will deepen ties between regions in industrial cooperation and investment
The first interregional forum between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan will deepen ties between regions in industrial cooperation and investment
On 14 February, Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Azerbaijani South Caucasus Political Scientists' Club organized a Baku-Tashkent video bridge was held on the topic: "Bilateral trade and economic relations in the light of the upcoming interregional forum"...
ISRS held a meeting with the delegation of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
ISRS held a meeting with the delegation of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
January 24 this year ISRS held a meeting with a delegation of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany), in particular, with the regional director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany) in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Christoph Moor (finishes his mission in the region in January this year) and the new head of this Foundation in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan by Philip Jahn.
ISRS Director: It is essential to adhere to the slogan of the President of Uzbekistan “Central Asia – One Past – Common Future”
ISRS Director: It is essential to adhere to the slogan of the President of Uzbekistan “Central Asia – One Past – Common Future”
At the Central Asian Media Forum, the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Eldor Aripov spoke about the importance of regional identity. The speaker called on every person in Central Asia to feel a part of their country and a part of a common region – Central Asia.
ISRS and the Marmara Group Foundation sign a Joint Action Plan for 2023
ISRS and the Marmara Group Foundation sign a Joint Action Plan for 2023
On December 15, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting with a delegation of Turkish experts led by Akkan Suver, President of the Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation.
ISRS: Strengthening dialogue and trust between Central Asian countries is a key condition for solving regional problems
ISRS: Strengthening dialogue and trust between Central Asian countries is a key condition for solving regional problems
Ashgabat hosted the Central Asian Expert Forum (CAEF) on “Current aspects of regional cooperation on climate change, water use, food security and ICT in the Central Asian region”.
ISRS: It is important for the states of Central Asia to jointly form a regional agenda to solve problems
ISRS: It is important for the states of Central Asia to jointly form a regional agenda to solve problems
It is important for the states of Central Asia to jointly form a regional agenda to solve problems, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akramjon Nematov said during the next Central Asian Expert Forum (CAEF) "Actual aspects of regional cooperation on climate change...
ISRS hosted a meeting with the director of the International Institute for Iranian Studies of KSA
ISRS hosted a meeting with the director of the International Institute for Iranian Studies of KSA
October 28 this year ISRS held a meeting with the Director of the International Institute for Iranian Studies "RASANAH" of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Mohammed bin Saqr Al-Sulami.
A delegation of Hungarian experts visited ISRS
A delegation of Hungarian experts visited ISRS
On 17 October, Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies (ISRS) held a meeting with experts from the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary with the participation of the Deputy Director of the Institute Tamas Peter Baranyi and Chief Advisor, Senior Research Fellow Laszlo Vasa.
A Memorandum signed between leading analytical centers of the OTS member countries and observers
A Memorandum signed between leading analytical centers of the OTS member countries and observers
Tashkent hosts the 8th Meeting of the Official Foreign Policy Research Centers of the Member and Observer States of the Organization of Turkic States, dedicated to the development of trade, economic cooperation, transport and logistics connectivity in the OTS space.
"Think tanks" of the OTS member states and observers to discuss issues of deepening cooperation
"Think tanks" of the OTS member states and observers to discuss issues of deepening cooperation
On 14-15 October, Tashkent will host the next meeting of the Official Foreign Policy Research Centers of the Member and Observer States of the Organization of Turkic States, dedicated to the development of trade and economic cooperation and transport and logistics interconnectedness in the OTS space.
ISRS Director: “Samarkand has become a venue for making historical decisions, signing important agreements”
ISRS Director: “Samarkand has become a venue for making historical decisions, signing important agreements”
Tashkent hosts an international conference on the results of the Samarkand SCO Summit.
Foreign experts address the International Conference on the SCO Summit
Foreign experts address the International Conference on the SCO Summit
Siddharth Saxena, Director of Cambridge Central Asia Forum: “President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev united Central Asia, convinced his SCO partners to share the Samarkand Spirit to move forward together”.
Tashkent hosts an International Conference on the results of the Samarkand SCO Summit
Tashkent hosts an International Conference on the results of the Samarkand SCO Summit
An International Conference “Samarkand SCO Summit: Contribution to regional and international security, sustainable development” has kicked off in Tashkent.
Leading experts of analytical structures of the world will summarize and discuss key results of Samarkand SCO Summit
Leading experts of analytical structures of the world will summarize and discuss key results of Samarkand SCO Summit
On September 29, Tashkent will host an International Conference “Samarkand SCO Summit: Contribution to regional and international security, sustainable development”.
SCO countries’ experts to discuss information security issues
SCO countries’ experts to discuss information security issues
On September 6, Tashkent will host a Scientific and Expert Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on information security.
Experts from leading analytical centers of Uzbekistan and South Korea to discuss issues of further strengthening bilateral cooperation
Experts from leading analytical centers of Uzbekistan and South Korea to discuss issues of further strengthening bilateral cooperation
On August 23, Tashkent will host an expert forum "Uzbekistan - Korea: a look into the future", organized by the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the assistance of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in partnership with Korea-Central Asia cooperation Forum Secretariat.
Uzbekistan and Algeria could become drivers of interregional cooperation
Uzbekistan and Algeria could become drivers of interregional cooperation
On July 14, 2022, ISRS experts held an online meeting with colleagues from Algeria’s National Institute of Global Strategic Studies (INESG).
Syed Khalid Jaffery: The current Uzbekistan's chairmanship in the SCO opens up new opportunities for shaping a common economic future
Syed Khalid Jaffery: The current Uzbekistan's chairmanship in the SCO opens up new opportunities for shaping a common economic future
On 5 July 2022, an international online conference was held on the topic "Uzbekistan’s chairmanship in the SCO: the way forward for greater development of regional interconnectedness."
The incentive to support business and implement economic projects of OTS
The incentive to support business and implement economic projects of OTS
Azerbaijan’s Shusha city hosted the Forum of official think tanks of the member states of the Organization of Turkic States.
It is necessary to transform Central Asia and the South Caucasus into an important link in the trans-regional interconnectedness between North and South, West and East
It is necessary to transform Central Asia and the South Caucasus into an important link in the trans-regional interconnectedness between North and South, West and East
According to the ISRS expert, “in November 2022, Uzbekistan will host the next OTS summit, which will play an important role in opening up new prospects for practical cooperation between the countries of the Organization.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On February 29, a training seminar was held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) on the preparation of analytical documents in the field of economics with the participation of researchers from the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CERR) and the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (IMRS).


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On March 14 this year at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Higher School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training seminar was held on the application of modern methods for studying global and regional processes.


Akramjon Nematov: Trade, economic, and investment cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus demonstrates robust and stable growth

Akramjon Nematov: Trade, economic, and investment cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus demonstrates robust and stable growth

Tashkent hosts a roundtable discussion on “Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus – New Horizons and Prospects”, organized by the Institute of Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) in partnership with the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR).
