Foreign experts' opinion

Uzbek-Pakistani cooperation in the field of education can become an important factor in strengthening bilateral humanitarian ties
Uzbek-Pakistani cooperation in the field of education can become an important factor in strengthening bilateral humanitarian ties
Such an assessment was shared by the Vice-Rector of the Punjab University, Dr. Mazhar Salim, during the Uzbek-Pakistani online conference on February 15, 2022.
Pakistani Analyst: Uzbekistan President's initiatives revive historic interconnectedness between Central and South Asia
Pakistani Analyst: Uzbekistan President's initiatives revive historic interconnectedness between Central and South Asia
ISRS and CGSS Pakistan organized an online scientific conference with the participation of professors from Pakistani universities, where they discussed the importance of reconnecting Central and South Asia.
Professor Shabir Ahmad Khan: Strengthening the Uzbek-Pakistani dialogue at the highest level is a determining factor in relations between the two countries
Professor Shabir Ahmad Khan: Strengthening the Uzbek-Pakistani dialogue at the highest level is a determining factor in relations between the two countries
"Thanks to the efforts of the leaders of Uzbekistan and Pakistan, in recent years, relations between our countries have reached a qualitatively new level of strategic partnership," said Professor Shabir Ahmad Khan...
Expansion of Scientific, Cultural, and Humanitarian Exchanges: A Great Proposal by His Excellency President Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Expansion of Scientific, Cultural, and Humanitarian Exchanges: A Great Proposal by His Excellency President Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Regional cooperation and connectivity have been the essence of diplomacy. Countries all around the world are trying to enhance integration and understand each other’s cultures.
Tajikistan stands for cooperation on information security
Tajikistan stands for cooperation on information security
This was noted by the Director of the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Khurshed Ziyoi at the CIS Expert Forum on Information Security.
Efforts of the Commonwealth countries should be consolidated to jointly combat information threats
Efforts of the Commonwealth countries should be consolidated to jointly combat information threats
This was noted by the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) Executive Committee Director General Nurudin Mukhitdinov at the CIS International Expert Forum on Information Security.
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan need to modernize existing and create new transport routes
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan need to modernize existing and create new transport routes
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan need to modernize existing and create new transport routes. This point of view was expressed by the Deputy Director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Saodat Jurakhonzoda during a video conference on the topic: "Uzbekistan-Tajikistan: prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation."
Regular cultural and humanitarian events are a symbol of brotherhood and spiritual kinship of the Uzbek and Kyrgyz peoples.
Regular cultural and humanitarian events are a symbol of brotherhood and spiritual kinship of the Uzbek and Kyrgyz peoples.
Regular cultural and humanitarian events are a symbol of brotherhood and spiritual kinship of the Uzbek and Kyrgyz peoples.
A view from Belgium: the Assessment of President Mirziyoyev concerning the role and place of the SCO in resolving the Afghan crisis, is indeed very timely
A view from Belgium: the Assessment of President Mirziyoyev concerning the role and place of the SCO in resolving the Afghan crisis, is indeed very timely
The chief executive officer of the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) Axel Goethals commented on the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev at the SCO summit.
Views of foreign expert
Views of foreign expert
The ISRS held a «round table» on prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and EU member states with participation of a leading research fellow of Eastern Europe and Eurasia Project of German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) Sebastian Schick and a research fellow of Eurasia program at the Rome Institute for Geopolitical Studies (IsAG) Fabrizio Vielmini.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On March 14 this year at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Higher School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training seminar was held on the application of modern methods for studying global and regional processes.


ISRS hosted a meeting with a German delegation

ISRS hosted a meeting with a German delegation

On April 15 this year at the Institute of Strategic and Regional studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) a meeting was held with the German delegation - with the Foreign Policy Spokesperson of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), German Bundestag, Niels Schmidt, the coordinator of the working group on foreign policy of the Bundestag, Dirk Savistky, as well as the head of the department for Eastern Europe of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Christina Linke, and the...


ISRS held a meeting with Russian experts

ISRS held a meeting with Russian experts

On April 1 of this year, at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS), a meeting was held with the delegation of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS), headed by director Kirill Babaev.
