"Round table" with representatives of the countries of "Visegrad Group"
"Round table" with representatives of the countries of "Visegrad Group"
The Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a round table with the Center for Central Asian Research of Budapest Corvinus University and ambassadors of the “Visegrad Group” countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland) in Uzbekistan.
Meeting with the representative of the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
Meeting with the representative of the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
The ISRS held a meeting with the Deputy head of the mission of the Sultanate of Oman in Uzbekistan A.Al-Shanfari. During the talks, the two sides discussed current state and prospects for the development of relations between Uzbekistan and Oman.
Well-Coordinated Work
Well-Coordinated Work
On October 29, the first meeting of the Central Asian Expert Forum took place in Tashkent.
Meeting with the delegation of Germany
Meeting with the delegation of Germany
On 1 November  of 2018 the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan Vladimir Norov met with German Bundestag delegation headed by the Chairman of the parliamentary group «Germany – Central Asia» Manfred Grund.
Meeting with a japanese expert.
Meeting with a japanese expert.
The Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with Tomohiko Uyama, Professor of the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center at Hokkaido University.
Representatives of ISRS met the Danish delegation
Representatives of ISRS met the Danish delegation
On September 27, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan hold a meeting with representatives of the Danish delegation led by Peter Jensen in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
The delegation of Uzbekistan will meet with politicians and experts in Belgium
The delegation of Uzbekistan will meet with politicians and experts in Belgium
On September 24-25, 2018, the delegation of Uzbekistan headed by the Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan V.Norov visits Belgium.
The ISRS held a meeting with Bangladeshi military delegation
The ISRS held a meeting with Bangladeshi military delegation
The ISRS held a meeting with delegation of the Bangladesh National Defense College led by Lieutenant-General Sheikh Mamun Khaled. During the talks, the parties discussed ongoing socio-political and socio-economic reforms in the Republic, as well as the current state and prospects of development of bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Bangladesh.
On the meeting with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan
On the meeting with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan
The ISRS held a meeting with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent, headed by the Counselor for Political and Economic Affairs Deborah Robinson. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the problems of Afghan settlement, challenges and threats of extremism and terrorism, prospects for bilateral cooperation, as well as the results...
Meeting with director of the Silk Road Economic Development Research Center
Meeting with director of the Silk Road Economic Development Research Center
The Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the director of the Silk Road Economic Development Research Center Mr. Zhao Jie. During the talks, sides discussed the changes in the socio-political and socio-economic spheres of the country, as well as the current state and prospects of Uzbek-Chinese cooperation.
Meeting with Assistant Secretary-General of UN for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East and Central Asia
Meeting with Assistant Secretary-General of UN for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East and Central Asia
The Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the Assistant Secretary-General of UN for Humanitarian Partnerships with the Middle East and Central Asia Rashid Khalikov.
Meeting with experts of the USA
Meeting with experts of the USA
The Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the experts of the United States Institute for Peace Scott Worden and Barmak Pazhwak.
Meeting with the Regional representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Meeting with the Regional representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies held a meeting with the Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Ashita Mittal. Talks focused on the socio-political and economic reforms in Uzbekistan, as well as on current conditions and perspectives cooperation between Uzbekistan and the UN Office on drugs and crime. Strong cooperation is the basis of stability Strong cooperation is the basis of stability
The Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a round table in connection with the adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution “Strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in the Central Asian region”, in Tashkent.
Meeting with Ambassador of the USA
Meeting with Ambassador of the USA
The Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the Ambassador of the USA to the Republic of Uzbekistan Pamela Spratlen. During the meeting, two sides discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation between Uzbekistan and United States, as well as the socio-economic and socio-political reforms in the country.
Tashkent to host round table dedicated to the discussion of the UN General Assembly resolution titled “Strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in the Central Asian region”.
Tashkent to host round table dedicated to the discussion of the UN General Assembly resolution titled “Strengthening regional and international cooperation to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in the Central Asian region”.
On 12 July 2018, a “round table” dedicated to the discussion of the UN General Assembly resolution titled “Strengthening regional and international cooperation for ensuring peace, stability and sustainable development...
International Conference on Food Security in Central Asia
International Conference on Food Security in Central Asia
On 1 June, this year by the initiative of the International Food Policy Research Institute at the International Westminster University in Tashkent was held an international conference on agriculture, food systems and nutrition in Central Asia. The event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic missions accredited in Uzbekistan, as well as experts from research institutes.
Meeting with the delegation of the Shanghai University of International Studies
Meeting with the delegation of the Shanghai University of International Studies
On June 4 this year at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) was held the meeting with the delegation of the Shanghai University of International Studies (SUIS), headed by Party Committee Secretary Jiang Feng.
Meeting with France Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Meeting with France Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan held a meeting with the representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France Dian Sofy Trevu. The parties exchanged views on the implementation of the «Strategy of actions on five main areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021»
The ISRS held a meeting with Japanese experts
The ISRS held a meeting with Japanese experts
The ISRS held a meeting with delegation of the National Institute for Defenсe Studies under the Ministry of Defenсe of Japan led by senior research fellow, Hiroshi Yamadzoe. During the talks, the parties discussed ongoing socio-political and socio-economic reforms in the Republic, as well as the current state and prospects of development of bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Japan.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On February 29, a training seminar was held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) on the preparation of analytical documents in the field of economics with the participation of researchers from the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CERR) and the Institute for Macroeconomic and Regional Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (IMRS).


Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China in a New Era

Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China in a New Era

On January 23-25 of this year, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev will pay a state visit to the People's Republic of China, which, will undoubtedly be of high significance and will give a new impetus to the expansion and deepening of Uzbek-Chinese cooperation.


A training seminar was held at ISRS

A training seminar was held at ISRS

On March 14 this year at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Higher School of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training seminar was held on the application of modern methods for studying global and regional processes.
